Hi Lisa, I enjoyed reading your blog this morning as I drank my coffee here in coastal Massachusetts.

In the US we are back to wearing masks and curtailing our social activities, even though we are vaccinated. Ugh! Will this ever end?

I hadn't been on Medium for the last 8 months but finally published a poem in August. I was working with a poetry coach for several months hoping to polish my writing a bit. It was very helpful in many ways but ultimately my teacher, a very talented poet, was not a good fit for me. I realized I was losing my joy and passion for writing focusing too much on technical aspects of improving. I'm working on regaining my confidence.

Thank you for posting all the "cool stuff"! I will check them out!

Best to you!

P.S. still warm here, 80°F today, but the nights are cool!☺️

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It’s lovely to hear from you, Nanette! I was only just thinking of you the other day 🙂 If you’re interested in maybe reigniting your love of poetry, maybe check out my link to the Garden of Neuro where you might like to join us in some writing in a few workshops and get published in the anthology. It’d be lovely to have you along! Email me if you’d like more details 💕🌱 again, lovely to hear from you 🥰

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