Hello there!
I’m pleased to say that the last few days have been a perfect tonic for my slightly over-stimulated self and my brain now feels a bit like mush.* In light of that, I’ll be showcasing some photos I’ve taken in the past week rather than writing much.
Summer days are long and glorious here, with the darkness of winter only a distant memory. Everything blooms with a vigour that still takes my breath away.
My extended time off ends tomorrow when I return to work at the visitor centre. I wasn’t expecting to have 12 days off; some shifting of my work schedule allowed it, and the molasses feeling I have now in my body probably indicates I needed it.
The weather has been glorious! Sun and warmth have meant we can swim, have a sauna, and enjoy being outside. We’ve had lovely friends visit us - a return visit, no less! - and the few days we spent with them, being tourists in our own town, was refreshing. Let’s hope they’ll return again next year.
Today’s wind and rain are a nice change. I’ve been listening to the wind in the trees and enjoying the scent of the rain on the warm earth, as
so eloquently suggests we do in her latest post.I’m reading a book: Orfeia by Joanne M Harris. I borrowed it from the library and had to extend my loan because I hadn’t opened it. Now that I have, I’m enjoying the ‘other-world’ imagery of this modern-day fairy tale, complete with illustrations by Bonnie Helen Hawkins. My reading has slowed down this year as I focus on other things—new challenges, new ventures, new ways of being and seeing the world and my place in it.
I commented on my Instagram that my brain had gone a bit doolally (I love this word!). My synapses were sparking over time, my thoughts flitting from one thing to another - it’s something I’ve observed happens if I’m over-engaging on social media or reading too many short snippets. Combined with a few nights of terrible sleep (thank you, menopause!), I was feeling a bit frazzled. Perhaps the current state of my mush-like brain is a result of this? Over-stimulated by the constant stream of content.
Walks in the countryside, sitting by the water, reading a book, listening to the wind, sweating in the sauna, sliding into the cool water, and sitting beside my husband, enjoying his company, have all been what I’ve needed to soothe the frazzled-feeling.
I hope you are feeling soothed, wherever you are in the world. Let me know what helps keep you calm in this content-laden world we live in now - I’d love to hear from you 💖
Stay well,
Lisa x
*a shout out to snails who perhaps may not have the largest brain capacity but they are amazing in their slimy ability to build their own houses and generally slide around the place. 🐌
Avoiding the news and social media usually helps me quiet the noise and enjoy life again. The photos are wonderful.
You gave me a new word, "doolally." Some days, I feel like the entire world has gone that way.
I enjoyed your photos of everything blooming, blue skies, and the view from your window. Our days in Texas are parched and in the triple digits. The heat has a way of sucking the life out of you, but we can discover hidden treasures surrounding us when we stop to listen, smell, see (thanks for the link back :). In the meantime, I'm hoping for another rainy day; we need one desperately!
For going doolally, you brightened my day with your story and photos.