Such beautifully expressed memories Lisa - of those star filled, moonlit nights where we could walk in the moon shadows or feel our way around on the darkest, moonless nights. The Milky Way can be viewed best from the Southern Hemisphere, so we are very lucky. 🌕🌜🌛

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It was such a magical place at night. The moon rising up over the cliffs, filling the horizon 🌝 I’m so grateful I got to experience it 💖

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Beautiful words and ideas. Yes on all counts. We are in need of returning to many things that are fundamentally important and that we took for granted. Where the world finds itself now is a result of long term denial of such wrong turns.

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Thank you 🙏🏼 for your kind words. Let’s hope we can help shift things so we have a beautiful planet left, where children in the future can see the stars ✨

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You are welcome. Impossible to do enough right now. We will make it out of this but it is not easy for anyone.

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I can’t help but wonder if the advent of energy-efficient light bulbs has led to more exterior and “security” lights being left on at night. So where at one time leaving, say, a 60-watt bulb on for 12 hours every night might have seemed excessive if you ran the numbers (60 x 12 x 30 days = 21.6 kWh/month, around here that would cost about $2.60/month, whereas an efficient 10-watt bulb that emits the same amount of light would only cost about $0.43/month.

So whereas previously one might reason, That’s too much, and not leave it on, now the reasoning might be, That’s negligible, leading to it being left on, meaning the amount of electricity being used has actually increased, as well as possibly adding to neighbors’ light pollution.

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Interesting you say this Frank because it’s exactly what they suggest in the BBC article I have a link to - since LED lights were developed light pollution has increased significantly. Maybe the current high cost of electricity might get the cheap ones turned off. Fingers crossed!

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