Hello dear reader,
Sparkling water is catching my attention this morning. Birds chirp, the woodpecker is hacking out a hole somewhere, and the resident cuckoo is calling for a mate.
Spring has finally arrived.
I’ve neglected this little publication. My focus has been on my business and it’s taken my creative energy. The ebb and flow of this energy hasn’t allowed me the time I need. Or perhaps, it’s because I’ve stopped and started several times, unsure of what I want to send out into the world.
I find the world to be a noisy place, most of the time. The platforms I give time to can be overwhelming and when you’re starting on a newish venture as a non-entrepreneur turned entrepreneur it can be stressful. The ‘shoulds’ and ‘need-tos’ and ‘must-dos’ can drain my time and energy.
I deleted ‘should’ from my personal lexicon some time ago. It’s not necessary. There’s enough pressure from yourself and the world to start ‘should-ing’. It implies a societal pressure wanting you to walk the same path, do the same thing, making it harder to connect to your inner voice and intuition, the soft quiet one that gives you gold nuggets if you slow down and get quiet (not the loud, negative voice that distracts you—that one you can give a hug and let know you’re okay).
I’m working with a business mentor at the moment. She reminded me the other day, to keep in constant touch with my ‘why’. We can lose sight of it, in the noise. It’s helped ground me and remind me I have unique skills and talents that are valuable, useful, and worth sharing (exactly what can get drowned out when you embark on something new).
Part of my why is being able to work from anywhere, including this lovely spot you see above. Being in nature and travelling are two of my favourite things. Another is connecting with amazing humans. Having a platform to share my knowledge and skills seems like a luxury, something not possible 20 years ago. So I embrace technological advancement and learn the skills to cherry-pick the things I find useful and set aside or switch off the things that don’t serve.
It’s no surprise my new mantra or question is “Does this nourish me or punish me?”
This spot, the fresh air, the bird song, and the buzzy bees, nourish me. As I fill my lungs, deeply, breathing out the ‘shoulds’, my body relaxes and remembers. Because my body holds secrets I’m learning to listen to—my somatic journey. But I need to get still to hear them.
So I invite you to get still. Go inward and listen to your body. What is it telling you? Is it whispering or screaming? Write about it. Draw it. Find some creative way of expressing it.
Your mind, body and soul will thank you!
Stay well,
Lisa x
What’s On?
On Sunday, May 26th (tomorrow as I sent this out), I’m running two writing workshops—Relax & Write—where you relax via my guided meditations and then write freely for about 15 minutes. Right now, you can use the code WRITENOW to get free access. An hour of your time. To relax and write.
12.00 EEST | 7 pm AET (Australia)
19.00 EEST | 12 pm EST (Americas)
You can also subscribe to my weekly newsletter at Flourish Mind & Body
Water is so calming, even watching a violent surf has a serenity in its force and need to push onto shore. Quiet, still waters invite contemplation and peace. All are good in their own way. I love how you captured the sparkles dancing across the blue water.
Oh, and that word "should," I've also stored that in a box. Press on!
I’m going to be watching your video on repeat, Lisa. ☺️